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Workforce Hope Latam |  Aplicantes

Build a prosperous future for you and your family.

How to Apply

Work Legally abroad

We have job vacancies in:

  • Canada.

  • United States.

  • Mexico.

Workforce Hope Latam | Oportunidades laborales en México, Estados Unidos y Canadá

How it works?


Online application

Fill out our online application form to start the process.


Profile validation

Our team will contact you to confirm if your profile is eligible for the vacancy you applied for and what type of visa you need to obtain the work permit in the destination country.


Selection process

Once you have been selected by an employer you will receive a job offer.


Visa processing

We take care of your visa application for the destination country.


Travel logistics

We take care of coordinating and planning all the logistical aspects of the trip to your destination.


WELCOME to your destination country!

Our team welcomes you to your new community.

*The order of the process may vary depending on the type of visa.


You will get a free immigration process

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to start your journey towards new opportunities and horizons, start your journey today!

You will grow professionally

Develop your potential and advance your career. You will be in a perfect environment to successfully achieve your career goals.

You will be able to travel with your family

Enjoy the experience in the company of your loved ones, strengthening bonds while doing your job.

You will have the possibility to have a permanent residence in your country of destination

A fresh start, ethical and legal.

pregunta frecuentes
  • Can my family come with?
    Yes. We believe in keeping families together. Workers Any member of your family that is eligible to work can apply for work through Workforce Hope. Every hired individual will have their legal and travel fees paid through their employer. Some families find employment with the same employer, and some are paired with different employers in the same town dependent upon skills and interest. Legal and Travel Cost If you aren’t able to pay the legal or travel fees for any non-hired family member, we will try to pair you with an employer that will offer a micro-loan to cover the cost of legal and travel fees. See micro-loans for more information. Childcare and School Upon arrival, a case manager or community member will assist with directions to get your child registered for school or daycare as needed.
  • Where will I live?
    Immediate housing is a major concern. If you are able to afford housing you have complete freedom to establish your own housing plans. ​ As most migrants are not in the financial situation to secure their own housing, Workforce Hope works alongside our employers to secure immediate housing for you and your family that will be readied for your arrival. ​ Apartments are the most common type of immediate housing. Many employers will co-sign your lease until you have enough credit to do so on your own. Rent and lease terms are on a situational basis. The process to secure housing begins after you sign an offer letter. You may choose to accept a micro-loan from your employer if you aren’t able to pay for rent in the first couple of months. (That’s okay!)
  • How much does this cost?
    All legal processing fees are paid for by the employer. Additionally, most employers pay the travel costs for the employee. If you are not able to pay for your family travel fees, most of our employers are willing to provide a micro-loan. See micro-loan for more information.
  • What's a micro-loan?
    As part of the contract, the employer pays for all legal fees for the employee. Oftentimes those seeking migration are in desperate situations and may not have the financial means to pay for travel for themselves and their family, or legal fees for non-employed family members. That is where employer micro-loans can come in. The employer can offer to service a micro-loan to the employee to process non-employee legal fees and all family travel fees. For ethical reasons, WFH has some policies around employer micro-loans: ​ 1. Employers may not charge an interest fee 2. Employers will have a reasonable repayment amount and frequency 3. The terms of the micro-loan must be approved by WFH prior to employee agreement. Terms must include a. Repayment amounts and frequency b. What happens if the borrower defaults 4. The employee must sign the micro-loan agreement, acknowledging and accepting the terms of the micro loan prior to any incurred expenses 5. Micro-loans will not negatively impact the relationship with the employer for any reason, including performance reviews, wage adjustment, etc.
  • Do I need to be able to speak English?
    It depends on the employer and on the job. Some jobs require very little or basic English. Some professional jobs, such as nursing, require a more proficient level of English. In the first recruitment interview, the recruiter will learn about your experience in speaking English and we will pair you up with an appropriate job. If you are interested in moving, start learning now! Learning English will help you in your work, shop for groceries, and make friends in your new community. When you get to the United States we will connect you with English learning classes and resources.
  • Can I bring my pet?
    Some of the people coming to the United States have family pets. It is WFH’s policy to allow individual foreign nationals to bring their family pets to the United States so long as the following criteria are met: Requirements: ​ 1. The animal species is listed as a “Domesticated Animal” pursuant to 50 CFR §14.4 Definitions of Domesticated Animal and 50 CFR§ 14.62 Exempt Animals. a. The animals that qualify under both sections of the Code of Federal Regulations are animals that are considered “domesticated” species and are also exempt from having to be declared to Customs and Border Protection upon the animal’s entry into the United States. 2. The United States also has rules and regulations regarding the importation of pets and other animals. It is the responsibility of the individual foreign national to verify that their pet can legally be brought into the United States. Agencies that regulate the importation of pets include, but are not limited to: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 3. The animal being brought to the U.S. must be an animal that the state where the person will be living allows to enter or be licensed in that state. Not all states allow the same type of animals. It is the responsibility of the individual foreign national to verify that their pet can legally be brought into both the United States and the state where they will be living. The individual must review their state’s rules and regulations on the importation of their specific pet. a. The USDA offers a drop-down list of state websites featuring requirements for dogs, but the links often include rules related to the importation of all pets. To find the list, open this link and scroll down to “State Requirements.” 4. WFH and its partnering law firm, Moua and Swanson Law Office, are not responsible or liable for providing assistance to individual foreign nationals bringing their pets to the U.S. All individuals will be instructed that WFH is not responsible or liable and will not provide any assistance in the event they choose to bring their family pets to the U.S. 5. All individual foreign nationals are responsible for ensuring pets are allowed under their lease as well as for paying the cost of pet deposits, monthly pet fees, and for any property damage caused by their pet.

Are you ready to take your first step?

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